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What if you woke up one morning and were far away from your bed, far away from your home, far away from your family?


What if you woke up far awhen?


And what if all of this happened when you were only seven years old?


That is exactly what happens to our hero, Alexander. He falls asleep in his warm, cozy bed and awakes, bleary-eyed and afraid, on the hard stone of a cave floor... 13,000 years ago. 


In order to get home he must complete the circuit. 

But what does that mean? And how does he do it?


The story of Alexander's harrowing and exciting journey to fix the past, and save the future, is presented in Fulcrum, a new comic book adventure from Adam Mills (High School Special Education History teacher), with art by John Fortune. 


Conceived as an enrichment material and curricular support for students with special needs, not as a textbook, the hope is that the learning aspects of Fulcrum will be so subtle, and the story and art so strong, that any audience, in or out of the classroom, will find it enjoyable. 


The Team Behind Fulcrum


Adam Mills

Author and Creator

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John Fortune


Amal Desai

Logo and Lettering

You Are Your Own Super Hero!

What are the qualities of a superhero?

Patience and Leadership.
And perhaps most importantly,

Superheroes possess all of these qualities. So do children!
Often without knowing they have these qualities and skills, children use them to fight back against the hardships and problems the world throws at them.

This short book celebrates all that is spectacular, all that is amazing, all that is stupendous about the children who overcome adversity and bounce back so quickly.

This book tells children that even when the world seems like it’s out to get you, it’ll be ok, because…

“You Are Your Own Superhero!”

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